The 12 strongest characters in the Resident Evil games, ranked

What are the markings of true strength? It is an imposing physique, limitless power/influence, or simply unwavering determination and resolve? There are a few interpretations as to what makes a Resident Evil character strong: going beyond their physical capabilities and thinking outside the brawn box.

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It never hurts to have superhuman strength and endurance, but does that make one stronger than another, or do those enhancements act as a crutch for the weakling underneath it all? Be it T-Virus mutations, magic fungus, or just putting in hours in the gym, Resident Evil has some truly powerful heroes and villains. But who’s the strongest? Let’s dive in.

12. Jill Valentine

Introduced in 1996’s Resident Evil Jill Valentine is one of the longest-standing protagonists in the entire franchise. She’s outlasted a ridiculous number of B.O.W.-based incidents, while also switching up her wardrobe along the way. We’re still on the fence about Resident Evil 5 Jill, especially that blonde hair, but we’ll mark it down as a one-off.

During the 1990s, Jill served in the U.S. Army, so there’s enough proof of her resilience as a stand-out female in a predominantly male profession. She became one of the only women in the world with Delta Force training, becoming a master of unlocking, code-breaking, and bomb disposal. She’s survived multiple encounters with Umbrella’s most dangerous asset Nemesis and a run-in with Albert Wesker that led to four years of brainwashed servitude. Although she’s intimidating in her own right, we’d say Jill’s true strength lies within.

11. Chris Redfield

While others rely on clawed tentacles, regenerative abilities, and being covered in eyeballs, Chris Redfield puts his trust in his rippling biceps. The moment in Resident Evil 5 in which Chris punches a boulder has gone down in gaming history, with him right-hooking it as if he were Mike Tyson in the ring before tossing it aside with astounding ease.

Like Jill, Chris has been with the franchise since day one, and over the years has squared off against an endless amount of mutated foes. He’s gone toe-to-toe with some of the toughest enemies in Resident Evil history and walked away. If that isn’t a testament to his strength, we’re not quite sure what is.

10. Sherry Birkin

Although she might not look like much, Sherry stands a cut above the likes of Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield due to her regenerative G-Virus abilities.

After her dad turned into a nightmare monster covered in bone claws (see Resident Evil 2), Sherry was rescued by Claire Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy. She was then kept in U.S. government custody until the death of Albert Wesker, thereafter the government offered her freedom from custody in exchange for becoming a federal agent. Although she isn’t a mainstay like Jill or Chris, she can take a beating and bounce back immediately.

9. Jack Baker

Jack Baker seems to have been a decent guy before he was infected with a mold-based bio-weapon, but it’s safe to say he went a teeny bit off the rails from that point onwards. As of Resident Evil 7 he’s a homicidal and practically unkillable mutant monster, with his family kidnapping, killing and cannibalizing hundreds of unsuspecting tourists.

Several encounters with Ethan Winters proved exactly how powerful Jack was: after every horrific death he’d regenerate in a disgusting new form. Eventually, Jack was just a grotesque abomination hellbent on destroying the man who murdered his wife Marguerite. But, tragically, trapped somewhere within the collective mold memory, is Jack’s original personality, begging for an end to his family’s nightmare.

8. Alexia Ashford

CODE: Veronica is in danger of being skipped over by the Remake series, but modern players will be missing out if they don’t get to experience the truly loopy Ashford family. Alexia Ashford began life as a genetically engineered clone of her ancestor, with her gaining his genius intellect. This being Resident Evil she immediately channelled her talents into viral research, graduating from university with a degree in bio-engineering at age 10 and promptly becoming the most adorable lil’ bioweapons researcher.

Naturally, she eventually ended up as a monstrous being hellbent on ruling over a virus-strewn world, even besting the mighty Wesker in a brawl. Her final form was all but invincible, though fortunately a linear plasma launcher was on hand to vaporize her. C’mon Capcom, let’s see this in razor-sharp 4K!

7. Lisa Trevor

Poor Lisa Trevor has one of the most tragic stories in Resident Evil, and is a good lesson that immense power does not equal a happy life. A regular child born in the 1950s, her father became embroiled in the Spencer Mansion experiments, resulting in Lisa and her sister Jessica becoming test subjects. Jessica died soon after being injected with the Progenitor Virus, but Lisa lived on. And on. And on.

Having proved unexpectedly resilient to viral infections, Lisa spent the next 28 years being injected with various viruses, though while her body became stronger her mind deteriorated, turning her into a murderous monster with a penchant for collecting human faces. Lisa was apparently killed when the Spencer Mansion exploded, though after all she’s been through we wouldn’t be surprised if she’s still out there.

6. Mother Miranda

You have no idea how badly we wanted to put Lady D in this spot, but as foreboding as Alcina is, she’s ultimately a servant to her superior Mother Miranda. Like many Resident Evil villains, she has a tragic origin, losing her daughter to the 1918 Spanish flu, discovering the Mold shortly thereafter and becoming infected by it.

She would later command an entire village of supernatural monsters; vampires, lycans, and the molded. Miranda sought to kidnap Rosemary Winters in search of the perfect vessel to revive her daughter. Miranda possesses shapeshifting abilities and has the superhuman strength, speed, and durability associated with the Molded. Beyond the effects of the Mold, Miranda is also exceptionally intelligent and can access the memories of anyone who’s been in contact with the Mold.

5. Rosemary Winters

Rosemary Winters spends the majority of Resident Evil: Village in several jars, and it’s only in the Shadows of Rose DLC set years later that we see her true abilities. Due to her parentage, Rose is entirely made of Mold, which is duplicating human DNA.

This has its pros and cons. The downside is subtle mold-like patterns on her skin that see her bullied and ostracized at school, leading her to simply wish she was normal. The upside is superhuman abilities that potentially make her one of the most formidable warriors in the franchise. We can assume that as a molded she’s able to regenerate any injury, but the fact that Chris Redfield wants her for his team indicates she has potential. Expect to see more of her in Resident Evil 9.

4. William Birkin

William Birkin just keeps coming. After inadvertently becoming infected with the G-Virus he spends much of Resident Evil 2 going from normcore scientist to slimy mutant eyeball monster with nice line in razor-sharp bony claws. Over the course of the game, he’s shot, burned, stabbed, and blown up but keeps coming, eventually ending up as a giant homicidal blob of teeth.

Birkin’s rampage ended when he took an explosive train to the face. If he’d have escaped and continued to mutate there may well have been no stopping his growth. Hello Planet Birkin.

3. Jake Muller

He’s the son of Albert Wesker, what more do you need to know? Starting out as a mercenary, Jake has impeccable combat skills, all enhanced by the Wesker family’s genetically modified blood.

Those mutations grant him capabilities far beyond a mere human, evidenced by how he even managed to stagger the monstrous Ustanak B.O.W., a feat only achieved until that point by high-caliber weapons like the Elephant Killer. His physical endurance exceeds that of regular humans Chris and Leon, who resort to rather traditional fighting styles, whereas Jake can afford to use flashy high-kicks and open-palm attacks. Like father, like son.

Muller hasn’t been seen since Resident Evil 6, but he’s still out there and we wouldn’t be surprised to see him make a comeback.

2. Nemesis

“STAAAAAAAARS….” The Nemesis may be the single most iconic monster in the entire Resident Evil franchise and is an evolution of the “Tyrant” program. The Nemesis is at the core of Resident Evil 3 and is notably smarter than your average B.O.W., able to smartly pursue a target and even utilize high-explosive weaponry.

Nemesis was able to survive multiple rocket launcher shots from Carlos, a fall into a burning building, and industrial-grade acid. But the more damage Nemesis takes, the more he mutates. It was only with a superpowered railgun that Jill Valentine was finally able to bring him down for good. Even Umbrella considered the Nemesis too dangerous, as after they’d unleashed him he was out of their control.

1. Albert Wesker

I mean c’mon, by the time we get to Resident Evil 5 Albert Wesker is basically an evil Neo. He’s not quite bulletproof, but his insane quick reaction times mean he might as well be. Wesker can dodge incoming bullets with ease and zip across a room from a dead standstill in less than a second. This means that while he can’t match a Tyrant in brute strength his agility, combat experience, and innate cunning mean he’ll almost always come out on top.

It took being plunged into a volcano to finally finish off Wesker. Even then, you’d have to hope the shots hit their target. Ultimately, Chris and Sheva kill Wesker by plunging him into molten lava and shooting him with dual rocket launchers. Wesker was dangerously intelligent, had ambitions of killing billions, and displayed superhuman levels of smugness. Despite that, we still kinda miss the guy.
