Video; Ariana Haftsavar Died in Car Accident on Lee Chapel Road in Fairfax

Ariana Haftsavar, 16, was one of two South County HS students killed in a car crash on Lee Chapel Rd in Fairfax Station last night.

Her dad tells me she was extremely kind, always looked out for younger kids, and dreamed of being a lawyer. He also said she loved lacrosse, soccer, and singing.

Mr. Haftsavar says last night, Ariana was on her way home from SAT class to have dinner with her family.

They realized something was wrong when they checked their family location sharing app and realized Ariana’s phone was stopped on Lee Chapel Rd. Mr. Haftsavar says he rushed to the scene and that’s when he saw the crash. He tells me their entire family is heartbroken and that Ariana was his entire world.

Neighbors tell me Lee Chapel Rd has been dangerous for years. It’s extremely winding and hilly with a lot of blind spots. DMV records show there have been 125 crashes on the road in the past 6 years. Back in 2015, another teen girl died in a crash on the exact same stretch of road.

Tonight on News4, how the Haftsavar family wants people to remember Ariana + their call to local leaders to fix the road.

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