What Michelle Obama's Ex Secret Service Agent Says She's Really Like

Michelle Obama has a reputation for being warm, and according to Cory Allen, that's no exaggeration. Speaking to Katie Couric Media, her former security detail shared that he had been blown away by just how kind both she and Barack Obama were. For starters, he explained, both of them made a point of asking how he and the other agents were doing, every day.

Allen has similarly gone on to tell a number of other outlets about just how welcomed he felt by the family. To OutClique, he said, "They radiate warmth. She still knew who I was six months after I left the agency when I saw them in San Francisco." Likewise, speaking to Pink Media / #ILoveGay, he gushed that both of them were as lovely as they were portrayed to be. 

Granted, Allen has also said that conversations were generally not super personal, and he avoided opening up too much. As he told Katie Couric Media, he felt his home life wasn't necessarily relevant to the job at hand. However, there's a good chance that if he had shared more, that would have been welcomed by Michelle as well. As Michelle explained in her Netflix documentary, "Becoming," she saw her previous security service agent, Allen Taylor, as a brother figure.
