Amber Mays Passes Away Resident of Augusta, Georgia

Amber, WTF MAN! It is an intolerable form of agony, particularly for those little children; it is an intolerable form of suffering for my young cousin Keshonn, and it is an intolerable form of suffering for each and every member of your family.

It is still difficult for me to wrap my head around what took happened because of the unbelievable nature of what actually took place, and I find that this problem persists even now.

have a knot in my stomach, and it feels like fire is burning in both of my lungs. Since 7:30 this morning, I have not been able to stop pondering about you and the events that have transpired since the last time we spoke. I can’t stop thinking about you and the events that have taken place since we last spoke.

I just can’t seem to shake the thought of you no matter how hard I try. Despite my best efforts, I can’t prevent my thoughts from returning to you whenever I try to relax. My thoughts keep coming back to how brutally painful it is, and I just can’t seem to get them to stop doing that. I’ve tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to work.

You only had your birthday a little over a week ago, yet you’re telling me that it’s already time for you to start thinking about having a child even though you just celebrated your birthday a little over a week ago.

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