Did Jayson Tatum ride a horse with Kendall Jenner? Viral candid photo debunked

Boston Celtics All-Star forward Jayson Tatum was rumored to be horseback riding with famous model and TV personality Kendall Jenner. However, a closer look at the photo posted on Twitter confirms that Tatum isn't the guy that Jenner was with.

In the photo, Jenner can be seen on the front taking a selfie with the man that the Twitter account "Buttcrack Sports" labeled as the Celtics star. But it isn't the All-Star forward. For starters, the model's legs were longer than the guy in the photo, quickly proving that Tatum wasn't with Jenner.

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According to TMZ, the model was with the Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny. The two went on a date and even shared a horse to ride on.

Buttcrack Sports is a sports parody page that often tweets about satire. There have been a few fake headlines from the Twitter acocunt, including a rumor about Damian Lillard of the Portland Trail Blazers retiring. They shared that they focus on parody and satire on their Twitter bio.

You might also be interested in reading this: Fact Check: Did Jalen Rose get fired from ESPN? Viral Malika Andrews video tweet debunked

Can Jayson Tatum and the Celtics win the title this season?

Boston Celtics forward Jayson Tatum

The Boston Celtics entered the 2022-23 NBA season with a goal to make it back to the NBA Finals. Last season, they had a chance to win the title, but Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors were more experienced, winning the finals in six games and giving Boston a bigger goal this season.

Throughout their entire campaign, the Celtics have been consistent and focused on their goals. They kicked things off with the right mindset and approach, which is why Boston is one of the favorites to win the title. Additionally, they have an All-Star who's hungry to win the title.

Jayson Tatum's play this season has been incredible. During the first half of the season, he was heavily considered to win the MVP award and often finished at the top of MVP rankings. That's not the case anymore, but he's still performing at an all-time high for his team.

Boston has three games left until their season ends, and it looks like they'll enter the postseason in second place in the Eastern Conference.

Tatum's fellow All-Star, Jaylen Brown, shared how their partnership has helped them lead the team.

"I think we both love this game tremendously and want to continue to improve," Brown said. "We compete, we push each other, we learn from each other. And a lot of our relationship has been built off of that."

With the way things have been for the Celtics, it looks like Jayson Tatum will be able to lead his squad back to the NBA Finals. This time, he's more experienced and will be ready for what's to come.

Also read: "Give it to his daddy Jayson Tatum!" - Fans rip Giannis Antetokounmpo and Milwaukee Bucks for blowout home loss to Boston Celtics

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