EXCLUSIVE: 'Queen of Chaos' Rayanna Brock reveals how her life spiraled after getting hooked on Xana

The social media phenomenon known as the Queen of Chaos has revealed how her life spiraled after she became addicted to drugs - and spent 10 months on the streets doing meth and heroin before she cleaned up her act.

Rayanna Brock, 23, went viral online after her 11 mugshots were posted on Instagram, highlighting her various grins following arrests for offenses that range from shoplifting to grand theft auto and terror-related crimes.

Speaking to DailyMail.com on Tuesday, she opened up about her RAP sheet, and shared how she ended up with that many mugshots in the span of just five years. 

She explained how her addiction to Xanax was behind both her crimes and the relaxed attitude she showed off in the now-famous mugshots that followed.

Rayanna's list of crimes includes a July, 2020, charge for 'making terroristic threats.' 

Rayanna Brock, 23, went viral online after her 11 mugshots were posted on Instagram. She spoke with DailyMail.com about how she ended up with so many arrests in just five years

Rayanna Brock, 23, went viral online after her 11 mugshots were posted on Instagram. She spoke with DailyMail.com about how she ended up with so many arrests in just five years

The former student lived with he older half brother, left, and her grandparents growing up, as her parents were in and out of jail (her grandmother is pictured right

The former student lived with he older half brother, left, and her grandparents growing up, as her parents were in and out of jail (her grandmother is pictured right

Rayanna became addicted to Xanax after her grandparents died within months of each other in 2017 when she was 17 years old. She is pictured with her brother and step-grandfather

Rayanna became addicted to Xanax after her grandparents died within months of each other in 2017 when she was 17 years old. She is pictured with her brother and step-grandfather

Rayanna shared that it was her grandparents' death in 2017 that sent her on a spiral that culminated last January, when she got sober

Rayanna shared that it was her grandparents' death in 2017 that sent her on a spiral that culminated last January, when she got sober

The Stanford, Kentucky, native explained she was arrested after threatening to beat up her then-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend when she was charged with making terroristic threats. 

'I was dating this guy for a long time... He ended up going to prison,' she recalled.

'The mother of his kid and I had been getting into it for months on end and I ended up threatening her. I can't even really remember what I said -I was on Xanax really bad at the time... I threatened to come to her house .. her parents' house.

'So she ended up calling an EPO out with me, which is an emergency protective order...  So, yeah, a lot of people thought I was a terrorist, but it was really just me and this girl were into it. And I basically threatened to like fight her.'

When speaking about her latest arrest involving the theft of a police car, she told DailyMail.com: 'I was on Xanax. Honestly, every time I've been to jail, its Xanax.

'They just make me do crazy things. Like stealing troopers' hats and cars.'

Rayanna shared that it was her grandparents' death in 2017 that sent her on a spiral that culminated last January, when she got sober. 

The former college student recalled being happy and well taken care of while growing up with her older half-brother and grandparents, who took her in because both of her parents had issues with drugs and were in and out of jail.

'I did not grow up rough with [my grandparents], but obviously I still tried to have a relationship with my mom and dad growing up, and anytime I was around them, I had to be my rough side,' she said.

Rayanna's parents are still serving time - her mother has been in jail for four months after spending nine months in rehab, and her father has been in prison since 2017 for multiple felony offenses.

In March of 2021, she was expelled from Eastern Kentucky University after she stole a car and parked it in front of her dorm

In March of 2021, she was expelled from Eastern Kentucky University after she stole a car and parked it in front of her dorm 

Rayanna's first mugshot was snapped on March 6 2018 in Boyle County KY, after she was arrested for wanton endangerment of a police officer,  evading cops, and shoplifting

Rayanna's first mugshot was snapped on March 6 2018 in Boyle County KY, after she was arrested for wanton endangerment of a police officer,  evading cops, and shoplifting 

Her second mugshot came just hours later, at 1am on March 7 2018 in Boyle County, KY, seemingly for the same offenses as the day before

Her second mugshot came just hours later, at 1am on March 7 2018 in Boyle County, KY, seemingly for the same offenses as the day before 

Rayanna was pictured by police on January 7, 2019, after she was arrested in Fayette, KY, for violating the terms of her probation for the first offenses

Rayanna was pictured by police on January 7, 2019, after she was arrested in Fayette, KY, for violating the terms of her probation for the first offenses

But growing up in her grandparents house, Rayanna was a 'goody two shoes,' she said, but still tried to keep in touch with her parents, which would at times drag her into a world of drugs and violence. 

'I didn't really understand why they weren't in my life until I got a little bit more grown up and I realized how bad off they were. 

'But I mean, my entire life, I know what my dad's like. He would absolutely beat the s*** out of my mom any time I went over there.

'They've always been on and off my entire life, but they've always been in the same kind of lifestyle. Drugs, homelessness. Just honestly having nothing to their name. They've never had a job. They've never had really a house.'

Despite growing up in proximity to her parents' issues, Rayanna's troubles with drugs and the law did not start until both her grandparents died in 2017 and she became effectively homeless. 

'It definitely broke me, my grandparents were my world,' she said.

Rayanna came across her grandmother's Xanax prescription bottle while cleaning out her things, and before she knew it she had become addicted to the anxiety medication, she said.

'Once [my grandmother's prescription] ran out, I started reaching out to people that I knew and trying to find more because I was already addicted to them,' she recalled.

Everything 'went downhill' from there, Rayanna explained.

'It wasn't long before I was into the other hard stuff.'

While Rayanna was able to get into college thanks to a high school counselor who helped her get full scholarships based on her experience with homelessness and sexual assault as a child. 

But unfortunately the legal troubles did not stop with her admission into Georgetown college in Kentucky; she was suspended after she was caught with LSD.

She then was accepted to Western Kentucky University but was kicked out for stealing around her dorm.

In March of 2021, she was expelled from Eastern Kentucky University after she stole a car and parked it in front of her dorm. When the cops showed up, they found shrooms and weed in her dorm. 

Rayanna was pictured September 16 2020 with greased back blond hair after being arrested for contempt of court/ libel  - an image she described on Instagram as her 'favorite mugshot'

Rayanna was pictured September 16 2020 with greased back blond hair after being arrested for contempt of court/ libel  - an image she described on Instagram as her 'favorite mugshot' 

EIght days after her first December 2021 arrest - on the 15th - Brock's photograph was taken by police again with the note 'serving time' listed under her charges

 EIght days after her first December 2021 arrest - on the 15th - Brock's photograph was taken by police again with the note 'serving time' listed under her charges 

On November 26, 2021, Rayanna has her mugshot taken for failure to appear at a police station or courthouse as required under the conditions of previous arrests

On November 26, 2021, Rayanna has her mugshot taken for failure to appear at a police station or courthouse as required under the conditions of previous arrests 

Rayanna's latest mugshot was taken on January 16 this year following her arrest for theft of a firearm

Rayanna's latest mugshot was taken on January 16 this year following her arrest for theft of a firearm

Despite her lengthy criminal past, Rayanna has been able to keep most of her record clean, she said, and is currently only dealing with probation stemming her latest charge for a firearm theft.

Rayanna's drug addiction intensified after she was kicked out of EKU, and she spent 10 months doing meth and heroin while homeless. However, her life changed when her stepfather introduced her to her current boyfriend, who has given her stability, she said. 

She said she gets drug tested every month, and has been sober since January.

She now hopes to go back to school, but has abandoned her childhood dream of being a lawyer after her long experience with the law.

'My whole life I wanted to be a lawyer.... everyone thinks that's funny. But now that I've gotten so many cases and have gotten in courtrooms so much, being a lawyer is the last thing I want to be.'

Instead, Rayanna, who is currently working as a waitress, would like to serve her hometown community and help young adults who don't have a support circle and end up in bad situations like she did. 

She said: 'I would really like to do something with youth counseling, mental health counseling. My high school counselor really saved my life and helped me get into school. If it wasn't for her, I don't even know where I'd be now.

'I really would like to do a career that, you know, pushes me into the school to help these kids that grew up the way that I did. A lot of people don't realize, but personally, in my town where I'm from, most everybody in this town is a drug addict.

'So these kids, you know, they're going to school and everyone just expects them to do well, Right? And that's great. But no one really cares about what they're doing.' 

Rayanna Belle Brock timeline of mugshots 

March 6 2018 - Brock was arrested for wanton endangerment of a police officer - which is the offense of placing someone at risk of serious injury or death - evading cops, and shoplifting items costing less than $500.

Her second mugshot came just hours later, at 1am on March 7 2018 in Boyle County, KY, seemingly for the same offenses as the day before. 

January 7 2019 - a pouting Brock was pictured by police after she was arrested a second time, for violating the terms of her probation for the first offenses. 

The same mugshot was used in police filings of Brock's November 25, 2021 arrest for failure to appear at a police station or courthouse.

July 19 2020 -  Brock was snapped following her arrest for terroristic threatening and stalking, with a bond set at $2,000. 

September 16 2020 - She was arrested for a fourth time for contempt of court / libel and had a mugshot taken which she later described as her 'favorite' on social media.   

March 9 2021 - Brock has a fifth mugshot taken after being arrested for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and criminal mischief in the first degree.

November 26 2021 - Brock is arrested for failure to appear at a police station or courthouse as required under the conditions of previous arrests.

December 7 2021 - She was accused of several offenses including marijuana possession and receiving stolen property, after allegedly stealing a trooper's hat and taser from his vehicle. 

December 15 2021 - EIght days later, Brock's photograph was taken by police again with the note 'serving time' listed under her charges.

July 19 2022 - Brock's mugshots enter double figures with a photograph appearing on the Kentucky Offender Online Lookup website after she was charged with stealing a firearm. 

January 16 2023 - Brock's latest mugshot was taken following her arrest for another firearm theft charge. 
