Australia: How Did Dolly Everett Kill Herself, What Happened? Case Update

Dolly Everett was a 14-year-old girl who killed herself due to online abuse in 2018.

Dolly Everett was the victim of cyberbullying who committed suicide, and her death took the headlines of various news outlets. Her parents and loved ones were devasted by her death.

Dolly's parents have been fighting against the bullying that took their daughter's life. They were seen talking about how parents should talk to their children to know whether they are getting bullied in the Today Show.

Dolly Everett, who at just 14 years old, tragically took her own life in 2018. Four years on, her parents Kate and Tick Everett continue to fight to change the culture around bullying and prevent the same thing happening to other young people. #9Today

— The Today Show (@TheTodayShow) May 5, 2022

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How Did Dolly Everett Of Australia Kill Herself?

Dolly Everett was a teenage girl from Australia who was constantly bullied online. She couldn't tolerate the hate she received online and decided to kill herself on January 2, 2018.

Dolly also known as Amy had been the face of the advertising campaign for Australian hat company Akubra at the age of eight. She was the youngest child in her family, and she had the eldest sister as a sibling.

Her family was torn apart to know the death of their young ones through cyberbullying. Dolly's death sparked an awareness regarding how bullying online could lead to such a devastating event in one's life.

Her parents have been voicing their thoughts regarding bullying, and have founded a foundation called Dolly's Dream Foundation which works to stop bullying affecting young children and to create awareness regarding bullying.

Dolly Everett's Death Cause And Suicide Story 

Dolly Everett's Death cause went viral on the internet, and her suicide story still haunts people to this date. Dolly was the 14-year-old who opted for the worst choice one could make, due to the harsh comments and abuse she received online.

We're excited to kick off this year's countdown to Do It For Dolly Day with Meg Everett, who is determined to help end bullying and ensure her little sister’s name will never be forgotten. “I’m ready to stand up publicly and say no more bullying.”

— dollysdreamaustralia (@dollysdream_aus) April 11, 2022

Her story made Australia shocked, and her parents have been fighting against bullying after their daughter's death. They launched a website called Do it for Dolly, where they organize a day to bring the community together and help to spread kindness and unite in taking a stand against bullying.

The Do it Dolly day is organized in May every year, and it is going to happen this year on May 13.

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Dolly Everett Case Update, What happened? 

Dolly Everett's death case was stated as cyberbullying and the media was criticized for the way they presented her sad death. There was doubt that cyberbullying might not be the only cause of her decision.

Professor Peter Jones from Bond University believed that cyberbullying was one of the causes of her death, while her mental illness like depression might have prompted her to commit such act.
