Based on the example mentioned here in the Snowflake documentation, why are the date and timestamp values returning different values just by changing the ORDER BY clause? Also, I am trying to convert a string to a date format which is not returning correct results in Snowflake while this works fine in other SQL based Engines. Need help from experts on this.
This query
SELECT '20200710', TO_DATE('20200710');
is returning the following output
20200710 | 1970-08-22
Also tried:
SELECT TO_DATE('20200710', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
and got the error:
Can't parse '20200710' as date with format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
3To convert to a date data type, you would use:
I would recommend just keeping the date data type. But if you want a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD: