Corey Feldman Children: Meet Zen Scott Feldman

Corey Feldman is an American actor, singer, and activist. He is the father of Zen Scott Feldman.

Zen Scott Feldman, his only kid, was born on August 7, 2004. There is not much information about whether Zen is in college or not.

Corey Feldman does not want his son to be a part of the Hollywood industry, most likely due to the abuse he endured as a child actor.

His son Zen was completely absent from the first season of Feldman’s programme The Two Coreys, in which he co-starred with Corey Haim. Feldman told PR that this was the network’s choice, but he never wanted Zen to be on the show in the first place.

“Susie and my feelings are that we want to keep him as far away from the entertainment business as possible; certainly until he’s old enough to make those decisions for himself,” Feldman said.

He went on to point out that, while Zen has appeared on TMZ a few times, the press has been mainly respectful of Zen’s privacy when it comes to being on camera or in magazines.
