How old is Priscilla Shirer? When is Priscilla Shirer's birthday? Where is Priscilla Shirer born? Where did Priscilla Shirer grow up from? What's Priscilla Shirer's age?
Priscilla Shirer Born: 1974 (age 49years), Dallas, TX
Is Priscilla Shirer married? When did Priscilla Shirer get married? Who's Priscilla Shirer's married to? (Who's Priscilla Shirer's husband / wife)?
Priscilla Shirer Spouse: Jerry Shirer (m. 1999)
How about Priscilla Shirer's parents?
Priscilla Shirer Parents: Tony Evans, Lois Evans
How about Priscilla Shirer's sibling?
Priscilla Shirer Sibling: Chrystal Evans Hurst, Anthony Evans, Jonathan Evans
How about Priscilla Shirer's education?
Priscilla Shirer Education: Dallas Theological Seminary, Duncanville High School, University of Houston
What church does Priscilla Shirer go to?
Watch Priscilla Shirer Movies on STARZ.
When did Priscilla Shirer start preaching?
Watch Priscilla Shirer Movies on STARZ.
Who is Priscilla Shirer to Tony Evans?
Watch Priscilla Shirer Movies on STARZ.
Where can I watch Priscilla Shirer?
Watch Priscilla Shirer Movies on STARZ.