The shortest distance (air line) between Texas and Florida is 1,139.96 mi (1,834.59 km).
Assuming you would drive out from the middle, your trip will last for about 20 hours and 40 minutes, and you will have to cover 1,369 miles of driving.
The shortest distance (air line) between Florida and Dallas is 976.14 mi (1,570.95 km).
The shortest distance (air line) between Houston and Florida is 851.00 mi (1,369.55 km).
The shortest distance (air line) between Orlando and Texas is 1,129.08 mi (1,817.07 km).
Geographic center indicates an averaged distance to all points of TX. From Brady, it is 1,188 miles to San Diego, CA on the Pacific Ocean on the West Coast and 1,157 miles to Jacksonville, FL on the Atlantic Ocean on the East coast. Therefore, TX is closer to the East coast by just a little (31 miles).
The shortest distance (air line) between Florida and Texas is 1,139.96 mi (1,834.59 km). The shortest route between Florida and Texas is 1,351.66 mi (2,175.28 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approximately [insert driving time].
The shortest distance (air line) between Texas and Miami is 1,264.58 mi (2,035.14 km).
How far is it from Florida to Miami? The distance between Florida and Miami is 159 miles. The road distance is 348.2 miles. How do I travel from Florida to Miami without a car?
Florida goes further south than Texas. Brownsville, TX, which is as far south as you can go in Texas, is about as far south as south Miami. So, all of the Florida Keys are further south than Texas.
A train trip between Orlando and Dallas is around 2d 22h, although the fastest train will take about 2d 22h. This is the time it takes to travel the 961 miles that separates the two cities.
The total driving distance from Florida to Dallas, TX is 1,127 miles or 1,814 kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Florida to Dallas, TX is 962 miles. This is equivalent to 1,549 kilometers or 836 nautical miles.
The shortest distance (air line) between California and Dallas is 1,310.82 mi (2,109.56 km). The shortest route between California and Dallas is 1,561.65 mi (2,513.24 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approximately 27h 58min.
Houston is the largest city in the state of Texas and the fourth-largest in the United States. The city covers more than 600 sq mi (1,600 km2) and is the county seat of Harris County.
In conclusion, Oklahoma is the closest state to Texas, sharing a long and diverse border. The proximity between Texas and Oklahoma offers numerous opportunities for exploration, from natural landmarks to cultural experiences.
Running more than 400 miles along the Texas coast and over 1,100 miles to its terminus in Florida, the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway is an aquatic superhighway most noncommercial boaters will never travel in its entirety—though local sections are well known to paddlers, birders, and anglers.
The shortest distance (air line) between Miami and New York is 1,091.65 mi (1,756.84 km). The shortest route between Miami and New York is 1,279.16 mi (2,058.61 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approximately 23h 58min.
The shortest distance (air line) between Miami and California is 2,418.67 mi (3,892.47 km). The shortest route between Miami and California is 2,861.80 mi (4,605.62 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approximately 51h 46min.
Orlando is undeniably the theme park capital of the world. But you don’t have to choose between them – Orlando is only 250 miles (400 kilometers) away from Miami, and it’s easy to get from one to the other.
The shortest distance (air line) between Texas and New York is 1,555.35 mi (2,503.09 km). The shortest route between Texas and New York is 1,765.15 mi (2,840.74 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approximately 32h 39min.
How far is it from Florida to Texas? The distance between Florida and Texas is 1,060 miles. The road distance is 875 miles.
The bus journey from Houston to Orlando is 993 miles. FlixBus can get you there in 23 hours and 15 minutes. The fastest bus from Houston to Orlando takes 23 hours and 15 minutes.
If you are planning to move from Florida to Texas, you aren’t alone. Half of the 10 fastest-growing cities in the U.S. are located in Texas. With its booming economy, rich culture, and relatively affordable housing, it’s no wonder so many people are choosing to make the Lone Star State their home.
The California exodus isn’t over.