Julian Sparks Dies Unexpectedly , Member of Youth Brown Belt

A Member of Youth Brown Belt Julian Sparks  has been reported dead. He died unexpectedly.

Julian Spark’s death was announced on Facebook by Castle Rock Martial Arts.

Good Evening Family,

I hope you are having a good night. Today has been a tough day. It is with heavy heart that I want to let you know that Julian Sparks has passed away. Julian and his family have been a big part of CRMA. All of the photos were taken by Dawn and Noy, Julian’s parents. Bella, Julian’s sister taught our Little Ninjas classes before leaving for college. The whole family trained with us. Julian was a Youth Brown Belt and also a Yellow Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Julian always brought a smile and a fling of his hair to class:) We are trying to give the Sparks space and time to open up what they would like to share on their own.

Funeral arrangements are being arranged as we speak. A meal train is being coordinated. A Go-Fund Me is also being set up for the family to help with their needs. I cant imagine the hurt and the pain they feel right now. After talking with them I told them that I would offer what I could to help them in this season. We are praying for peace during this time. I am going to put the links below for the meals and the gofundme. There is no obligation, but if you feel led to help or give to the Sparks family, please follow the links and it will bless them. I feel that during these times it literally takes a village to help with even some of the small things. We talk about how CRMA is a family and when it comes to times like these, we always see our community stand together.

Thanks for all you do,

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the deceased’s family and friends, who have been struggling with the loss of such an intelligent and compassionate individual.

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