Maxi Jazz was a British musician, rapper, singer, songwriter and disc jockey who was active in the media spotlight for the past four decades. Maxi Jazz sang mostly in the genres of hip-hop, electronica, and trance.
Maxi Jazz was a great British musician who was vibrant in hip-hop, electronica, and trance music scenes. Maxi Jazz was known to many as a staunch member of the British electronic band called ‘Faithless.’
How old is Maxi Jazz? Maxi Jazz died at the age of 65 years.
Maxi Jazz was born in London, England, on June 14, 1957, and died in London, England, on December 23, 2022, at the age of 65 years.
How tall is Maxi Jazz? Maxi Jazz has a height of 5.81 feet which is equivalent to 1.77 metres and 69.69 inches.
There is not enough information about Maxi Jazz’s family.
Maxi Jazz underwent a massive weight loss.
Maxi Jazz suffered from insomnia for a number of years before his death.