Mimi Geiger has been confirmed dead according to a source.
Mimi Geiger’s death was confirmed in a post on Facebook by Paul Ambrogio.
In the posts, Paul gave details of Mimi’s death and funeral arrangement
It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of Mimi Geiger, our friend, co-worker and beloved real estate broker with Berkshire Hathaway Starck Real Estate in Huntley, Illinois. Our loss is Heaven’s gain. Mimi was my first recruit (very first) in 2017 just before we opened the doors in Huntley. She took a chance on me and I couldn’t be any more grateful to her.
Services for Mimi ❤are as follows:
Monday, January 23 from 4-8 pm
DeFiore Funeral Home
10763 Dundee Road, Huntley, IL
Funeral Mass:
Tuesday, January 24 @ 10 am
St. Mary Catholic Church
10307 Dundee-Huntley Road, Huntley, IL
Mimi was known for her dedication to her clients and her passion for helping people find their dream homes, especially in Del Webb Sun City Huntley Del Webb’s Sun City Huntley. She was also an active member in the Huntley Area Lions Club where she dedicated her time to volunteer work. She will be deeply missed by all who knew her. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and loved ones during this difficult time. She will forever be in our hearts and we will miss her dearly. Rest in peace, Mimi. #RIPMimiGeiger #BerkshireHathawayStarckRealEstate #HuntleyIL #DelWebbSunCityHuntley #HuntleyAreaLionsClub
Our heartfelt condolences go out to the deceased’s family and friends, who have been struggling with the loss of such an intelligent and compassionate individual.
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