When a woman took a bite out of her Chipotle burrito, she got more crunch than she expected. She claimed that she found a beetle inside of her meal and vowed to steer clear of the fast-food chain in the future.
July started on a disgusting note for TikToker Tori Kinley, who said she found a cockroach in her Chipotle dish. At first, she assumed the crunch was a piece of corn, but when she spat it out, she saw what appeared to be an insect leg.
Later, she stated that while it might not have been a cockroach, it certainly was a live beetle. The woman, who shared that Chipotle was one of her favorite restaurants, explained why she would never eat there again.
Woman claims she found a beetle in her Chipotle burrito and showed viewers the alleged insect leg | Photo: TikTok/toritalkspodcast
In her clip, she walked viewers through her experience from the first crunch to the second instance, which led her to spit the food out of her mouth. She showed online community members an image of the alleged insect.
She also added: "There's the cockroach leg, there's the cockroach body. I swallowed the rest of it." The TikToker drank some apple cider vinegar diluted with water to kill bacteria and asked viewers for any other tips.
Kinley contacted Poison Control, and while they told her she wouldn't die, they shared she might experience food poisoning. Her video gained a wide online response, and many commentators told her these types of things are normal.
People told her to calm down because many restaurants have cockroaches in their kitchens, "even fancy ones," said one user. Another netizen dispelled this and said they worked in the food service for two years and "never saw roaches."
Comment section of video where a woman claimed she found an insect in her Chipotle burrito and users share similar experiences | Photo: TikTok/toritalkspodcast
Users stated that people should stop "normalizing roaches in kitchens." Others sympathized with Kinley, and one person expressed: "I'm sorry that happened to you, that's actually traumatic. I'd be scared to eat out again."
Some commentators pointed out Chipotle's continued bad reputation regarding cleanliness. One user shared: "When will people learn not to eat at Chipotle!!! Chipotle has been in the news not once, not twice, but many times ..."
Comment section of video where users hope a woman sued Chipotle after she allegedly found an insect in her burrito | Photo: TikTok/toritalkspodcast
In a consequent video, Kinley stated that she thinks she actually ate a beetle instead of a cockroach. She explained that cockroaches allegedly taste like shrimp, whereas beetles are bitter, and her meal was "very bitter."
She also returned the beetle's shriveled up remains to the Chipotle store and claimed that their staff " didn’t do anything." The fast-food chain eventually tried to make amends with her.
She shared that they offered her free meals but added: "I think because the video’s circulating, that caught their attention. However, I’m not sure I want to eat at Chipotle anymore." Kinley also commented that she couldn't sue the food chain.
After she contacted a lawyer, she stated that she couldn't claim damages unless she were hospitalized. Her clip certainly struck a chord with many who claimed to have had similar experiences and vow to steer clear of the restaurant in the future.