Chicago Med Recap 01/12/22: Season 7 Episode 11 The Things We Thought We Left Behind

Chicago Med Recap 01/12/22: Season 7 Episode 11 "The Things We Thought We Left Behind"

Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, January 12, 2022, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below. In tonight’s Chicago Med season 7 episode 12 called, “The Things We Thought We Left Behind,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Crockett and Blake clash with Randall when a famous alcoholic football player needs a liver transplant. Dylan is reluctantly reunited with old friends when their son breaks his arm. Stevie and Charles work together when a patient falls ill after back-alley plastic surgery.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Chicago Med begins tonight with Dr Dylan Scott (Guy Lockard) walks with Zora Scott (Deanne Lauvin), who is talking about Terrell Walker (Jerod Haynes) arguing before they got there. Zora wants him to take a look at Terrell, someone he hasn’t seen in 12 years. He is there to see Darius’ arm, complaining that his elbow is hurting. Dylan agrees that Darius needs to go to the hospital; his mother didn’t want to take him because Terrell hasn’t been working and they are concerned for the bills, but she goes with Dylan to the hospital anyways.

Dr Stevie Hammer (Kristen Hager) runs into Dr Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss), who has come in on his day off. Will is there to work on paperwork from the lawsuit; Stevie saying she is behind in work too. She mocks that he is wearing a bowling outfit. He leaves in the elevator when a patient stammers into the hospital, only able to reveal her name as Nadia before she is passed out cold. Stevie realizes she had surgery.

Dr Randall Shentu (Johnny M Wu) arrives at Sharon Goodwin’s (S. Epatha Merkerson) door, greeting each other. Randall wonders why Sharon hasn’t met with Avery Quinn as Sharon explains it is her firm that is bringing the lawsuit to the hospital and she doesn’t they should be that eager to cooperate. She defends their actions and feels the hospital’s doctors should not be punished. Randall is concerned about the media as that is where they are mostly being judged, asking her to think about it.

Dr Crockett Marcel (Dominic Rains) meets with his patient, saying it was not a heart attack, and his wrist is just sprained. He says business hasn’t been great as Marcel explains that a panic attack could feel just like a heart attack and suggests he meets with his doctor to make a long term plan going forward. Dr Pamela Blake (Sarah Rafferty) finds Crockett, saying they have a patient coming in, a hall of famer that Randall wants in more private room. They meet Mr Tucker, transferring him to the hospital bed. People are trying to video them, as Dr Blake demands to know how long he has been an alcoholic and he says for as long as he can remember but he has fallen off the wagon again. She wants to run some scans, but feels he is in full liver failure and to get the team on it as he may need a transplant.

Stevie informs Will about the woman who collapsed in the lobby. She speaks to Dr Daniel Charles (Oliver Platt) about Nadia, saying her patient is in denial of the surgery and who did it. She is concerned that this was some back alley procedure and Dr Charles decides to speak to her. Meanwhile, Dr Vanessa Taylor (Asjha Cooper) tells Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) that her parents would like to get to know her better; inviting her over for dinner. They are interrupted when Dylan asks for Maggie’s help.

Dylan talks to Darius who is nervous, sharing that they have the same shoes. As they walk out for xrays, Terrell arrives and is told he cannot go with his kid for the xrays; there is some tension which Dr Dean Archer (Steven Weber) observes. Dylan reveals that things are complicated and they know each other from way back, being best friends who have gone separate ways. He admits that he used to hook up with Carmen as Dean wonders if he needs to take him off the case.

Randall calls Dr Blake and Dr Marcel into a meeting, revealing that a liver has become available for Wes Tucker and tells them to get ready as it will arrive in 2 hours. They reveal that Mr Tucker has alcohol in his system and he needs to have no alcohol in his system for 6 months before he is eligible for a liver. Randall says this will save his life and make the hospital look good. Blake understands that as Marcel tell him they won’t do the transplant as these are not their rules. He seems to agree.

Dr Charles returns to Dr Hammer, saying Nadia refuses to speak about the surgery at all. Nadia’s father arrives, meeting with her, saying she gave him and her mother a very bad scare. Stevie and Daniel observe the exchange and something is off. He asks to speak in private with her doctors. Stevie says she is in septic shock, it looks like the surgery went well but they are having a hard time knowing what implants have been used. He admits that Nadia doesn’t talk much but he will tell them anything she says. Both Daniel and Stevie talk about the strange interaction, but Stevie thinks it could be that they haven’t spoken in a while.

Dylan calls Carmen and Terrell to speak to them alone. They explain how Darius’ arm is more broken than what they usually see and introduces them to Dr Archer. Terrell starts getting angry, asking Dr Archer if this was his child, what would he do. Archer says he would opt for the surgery or he could suffer in pain for the rest of his life; they leave with him to sign paperwork as Dylan assures Carmen that Dr Archer is the best.

Marcel is impressed with the amount of media and publicity is outside for Wes Tucker. Randall speaks to Marcel and Pamela again. She explains that these people who wish to donate need to know the risks of this surgery and the complications. Randall says they are aware and just want to save a man’s life. Sharon excuses Dr Marcel and Dr Blake, explaining that this hospital runs by the expertise of their doctors and she is not going to stand by and watch their medical opinions be ignored. Randall says if the donor is a family member they would ignore this as Sharon says this is all about the publicity of the hospital for him.

Dylan watches as Dr Archer does the procedure on Darius. They discover there is a tumor on his elbow and he doesn’t believe it would be benign. Archer says he is going to remove it as Dylan wants his parents to know that he has cancer. Archer tells him to hurry up if he wants to be a boyscott.

Alarms sound and Nadia is in respiratory distress, as her father says he thinks it is the silicone that has got into her lungs; something Stevie thinks is right and rushes her off for scans. Daniel stops the man claiming to be her father and confronts him on lying about it, knowing he is Nadia’s surgeon.

Sharon spots Maggie who is distracted. Maggie explains that Vanessa’s parents have invited her for dinner and want to get to know her. Maggie is worried that she just sprang herself on these people and don’t know what they will think of me, but Vanessa is so excited. Maggie asks Dylan how Darius is doing and he admits it’s not good. They meet with Carmen and Terrell, saying Darius has cancer and right now they need to remove the tumor and look up treatments after. Terrell demands for another doctor, frustrating Dylan.

Dr Charles meets with the strange man, saying he was a surgeon in Russia but he refused to do another 10 years in training to be the surgeon he is. He admits he was doing surgeries and they are all good, it is the implants; excusing himself to make a call. Daniel informs Stevie that there is another patient he worked on the same day, using implants from the same bad batch. They tried to call Alexandra but she is not picking up. Will takes and team and rushes to her address, while Daniel says he will take care of the Russian doctor.

Dylan tells Dean that Terrell is not giving them consent. Dean is furious, saying he never should have allowed Dylan to take the case and he now has 20 minutes to get Terrell to change his mind. He orders Dylan to take off his white coat and speak to Terrell as a friend.

Randall meets with Dr Marcel and Dr Blake, saying they found a live donor match for Wes, and despite their opinion, they have Dr Jonas to perform the surgery. He says Sharon voiced her concerns but the board overruled her. Marcel tells him that the donor is not going to be his patient who had a panic attack. He is not in the mental faculty to make any decision like that. They’re only hope is that Dr Jonas won’t kill him.

Dylan confronts Terrell, who is still angry that Dylan watched as his fellow CPD officers arrested him. Dylan apologizes as Terrell reminds him they used to be the best of friends but he watched him get arrested and Dylan feels he could have been a better friend to him but he needs to deal with his son being sick. Darius has cancer and as his father, he needs Terrell to be strong and make things better. Dylan tells him he can hate him all he likes but he is not leaving the room until he has consent; something Terrell grants him.

Will and the team call out for Alexandra’s name, breaking into the house where they find her unconscious on the floor. He calls for them to bag her and get her on the truck. Once she is in the Mobile Stroke Unit, Stevie and Will are able to scan her, he knows they need to move her immediately or the silicone could clog the valve and kill her. Stevie tells her the smallest bump could dislodge it, she wants to guide him through the procedure, saying this is their only option. He calls for the extraction kit.

Marcel meets with his patient, Mr Shaw who says he is feeling okay. He says he saw the story on his Instagram and it has blown up. When asked if he is sure about this, Shaw says he has always wanted to do something meaningful in his life, but he is concerned about all the papers he has signed and how complicated things will be. He knows he can still back out, but it will be a piece of him that is keeping Wes Tucker alive and he has to do this. Marcel asks Blake to do the surgery as he has to do what is best for Miles and she is the person who should take it over; she is chief of the department and can take over any procedure. She tells the nurse to prep the OR.

Stevie slowly helps Will with his procedure in the unit, no one having any idea how many Ccs they have left. Suddenly the alarms sound and the silicone has moved and is obstructing the pulmonary valve. She tells him how he is going to have to put the wire around things and inflate the balloon. He is nervous that it won’t be easy as her pressure is dropping. Will needs an image but there is no more juice for another scan. Stevie asks him to trust her when she says he got this, and he begins to inflate the balloon and pulling the wire out. Her stats rise again as Stevie tells Dr Halstead he did a great job.

Maggie and Dylan discuss Darius, her hoping there is something between them as he convinced Terrell to allow the procedure. Dylan reminds her that he did it for his son, not him.

Dr Blake and Dr Marcel are doing the procedure when he is explaining that Miles must have taken his beta blocker before surgery and it is slowing down his heart rate. Miles’ pulse is gone, after two shocks his rate is up a little bit. Marcel says they need to wait 4 hours to proceed so they put Wes on bypass.

Alexandra arrives at the hospital, Will feeling it is too early to tell about her and doesn’t know what he thinks about it. Dr Charles tells the surgeon they found Alexandra but she is in the same position as Nadia. He makes excuses, demanding respect from Daniel, who is angry about his illegal and unsafe acts. He warns him that he will be lucky if both these women survive. CPD arrives as Daniel apologizes, saying he left him no choice.

Dylan finds Carmen trying to comfort Darius who is awake from surgery. Carmen knows he spoke to Terrell and she cannot thank him enough. Carmen goes with Dylan in the hallway as she knows Darius has a long way to go. He expresses that Darius can beat this, but he will need the chemo and radiation, but wants her to know he is there for it all. She tearfully thanks him as Terrell walks up to him and demands him to stay away from his family.

Sharon finds Will Halstead who is filling in his paperwork after saving that girl’s life. He admits that Randall made him do that as everything is under a microscope. Sharon goes to find Miss Quinn, saying naming her surgeons in her lawsuit is weighing them down and keeping them from their jobs. Avery smirks, saying she is not on a witchhunt but everyone involved with the Vas Com needs to be held accountable. Sharon wants her to remove their surgeons names and hold her solely accountable. Avery is concerned that she doesn’t know the scope of what she is doing. Sharon sits down, waiting for questions.

Nadia and Alexandra’s fevers are both coming down as Stevie tells him to enjoy his night off. He invites her for bowling as he has the shoes in the car. She asks him to give her a chance to change and she will. They are interrupted by a mail delivery for Stevie, who says it is paperwork for her divorce. Will thinks they should do this another night, she agrees and he leaves.

Dylan goes to Molly’s where Dean spots him and joins him. Dylan admits this came back to bite him in the ass. Dylan says he had a good thing with Carmen 12 years ago but he screwed up. Dean says he knows what this is like as his son hasn’t spoken to him in 15 years.

Maggie sits with Vanessa and her parents, explaining Ben is a teacher and that is why he isn’t there. Her mother says they know how it is, to do anything for the kids. Maggie and her parents speak about the dinner, Maggie being polite and gracious, something Vanessa smiles at.

