How old is Toto Cutugno? When is Toto Cutugno's birthday? Where is Toto Cutugno born? Where did Toto Cutugno grow up from? What's Toto Cutugno's age?
Toto Cutugno Born: July 7, 1943 (age 80years), Fosdinovo, Italy
Is Toto Cutugno married? When did Toto Cutugno get married? Who's Toto Cutugno's married to? (Who's Toto Cutugno's husband / wife)?
Toto Cutugno Spouse: Carla Cutugno (m. 1971)
Toto Cutugno Parents: Domenico Cutugno
Toto Cutugno Sibling: Rosanna Cotugno, Roberto Cotugno
Does Toto Cutugno have any children? What are the names of Toto Cutugno's children? What are the ages of Toto Cutugno's children?
Toto Cutugno Children: Nicolo Cutugno