Lucky Spencer on General Hospital: Is he coming back Port Charles?

General Hospital has a way of drudging up old feelings and bringing them to the forefront. Lucky Spencer (most recently Jonathan Jackson) was brought up in a conversation on the show and now, viewers want to know if he will return to Port Charles.

There is a current story arc dealing with Aiden (Jason David) and school. Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) is worried about her son and when she confided in Laura (Genie Francis) about it, she suggested calling Lucky and asking for his help.

Will Lucky return to General Hospital? Being that November sweeps is in full swing, it is certainly possible. The role was held by three actors since the beginning, Jacob Young, Jonathan Jackson, and Greg Vaughan.

Two of the three actors are currently in limbo, which means writing a stint for Lucky returning to Port Charles wouldn’t be incredibly difficult.

Last time Lucky was back in town was 2015. It was a brief reprisal and one that garnered a lot of attention. With the storylines happening now, seeing him back in Port Charles would be beneficial. Viewers have been asking for a return frequently and with the way things are going, it could help the ratings.

While it is unclear if there will be a Lucky return, General Hospital spoilers have alluded to it. At this point, there has not been a confirmation from an actor on reprising the role.

Secrets like this are huge for the show and if they could pull it off, viewers would be talking about it for days to come.

General Hospital airs weekdays on ABC.
