Damir achievement in Metro Exodus

A few tips I have on this achievement.

I finished all of the optional side quests (marked on your map by white question marks). I killed a ton of thugs and tribals and let Saul live by knocking him out in the early part of the game. Saul will approach you mid-way through the Caspian level while you are asleep and make an offer to you but from what I saw, nothing transpires from it.

I never knocked out or killed any of the slaves on the level. If you do all of the optional missions and leave them alone, that goes a long way. Don't knock them out and definitely don't kill them.

One of the side missions is in the far northwest of the map; a local is hiding in a little cave within a valley and there are a number of thugs who are trying to get him to lower the rope ladder. I'm not sure if this mission helps with the morality. After you kill or knock out all of the enemies in the area, the local will drop the ladder and promptly kill himself.

Also I don't want to forget that giving the photograph of Giul's mother to Giul probably grants you morality points; whether this is for the end-game or ensuring Damir's survival I'm not entirely sure.

There are a few locations where there are slaves who are being held prisoner; off the top of my head there are two in a cage by the water bucket stage. Release them. At the end-game of the Caspian level when you are visiting the Baron you will see a scripted sequence of a thug who beats a slave and tosses him into an enclosed room. Quickly move in behind him and stun this thug, you will gain moral points for saving the slave and no one outside will know what happened.

There is a similar sequence one floor up in the brothel where a thug is kicking a slave woman. In this instance I did not intervene because I did not want to risk a shootout but she lives and is carried off to the side.

I did all of the above and was netted with the achievement after completion of the level.
