Third Eye Blind - Jumper Lyrics Meaning

The beuty of songs like this are the multiple meanings one can assign to it.

For me the song refers to my own slow suicidal actions. Mainly from being molested at a young age.

When I listen to this song it's like the part of me that doesn't want to hurt anymore or have self hatred for actions that have resulted from that feeling a lack of self worth.

The side of myself that wants to live this life I know I'm capable of and badly want to live is asking me to step back from the ledge of abuse I put myself through.

The lies are the parts of me I've shown people that are part of me that I want to die but struggle with.

The part where he says "If you don't want to see me again I would understand" is like the part of my that wants to live saying if you want to give up that part of me would understand. Of course if I did then its as if that part of me would die and eventually myself too.

The whole video where he's staring at that guy is like me staring at myself in the mirror.

Dunno...I realize that sounds a little weird..but that's the first interpretation I had when I heard it. To this day it's hard for me to listen to the song without crying.
